#WeBelongInCollege Stories
about college students
Finding Their "Why"
Shareef's Story
Miranda's Story
Amberli's Story
Shareef dropped out of college before discovering “his why.” He shares that he now knows what to look for in a college and has the motivation that he needs to succeed.
After a series of painful and traumatic events, Miranda struggled with drug abuse. After being discharged from a hospital she went to a mental health facility. While working on her own recovery, she discovered her passion for psychology and with that, the motivation she needed to persist to college.
Ratha’s mom was adamant: her daughter had to go to college, something that is not possible for so many other Yemeni women. But after Ratha gave birth to her son, she started to question whether she belonged in college. It was only after she discovered her passion for sociology that Ratha came to truly believe she belonged in college.
At the beginning of college, Nancy didn't know what she wanted to major in. She felt pressure from her parents to choose a major that she wasn't interested in. It wasn't until she took a risk that she found her passion and came to believe that she belongs in college.
Before the pandemic hit, Amberli was helping high school students navigate the college process. She loved the experience so much that she decided to go to grad school to become a college counselor. But when the pandemic hit and she was no longer in touch with her students on a regular basis, she started to question her dreams.