#WeBelongInCollege Stories
Dealing with Grief
Simi's Story
After losing his aunt, who was his role model, to lung cancer, Simisoluwa shut down completely. His grades deteriorated and he started to question his college dreams altogether. But when he realized that his aunt would have wanted him to succeed, he found the motivation he needed to persist.

Sean started to question if he belonged in college after his father died. He just couldn’t see the point of going to college anymore. It has been tough, but he has found a way to continue to strive for the life that his father always wanted for him. As he puts it, I can’t “stop short on the finish line just because the race didn’t happen the way I wanted it to.”

After losing someone very close to her, Kylee found herself in a very dark place. She started to question if she belonged in college. In her story, she shares how she managed to persist even though there were so many moments when all she wanted to do was give up.